Irish Chicka

Irish Chicka

Sunday, April 22, 2012


I've admitted I'm in a FOUL mood tonight.  I'm filled up to my eyebrows with drama in both RL and online.  I'm so FUCKING sick of people being so insecure in their own skin and whining/crying/lashing out at any and everyone.  Misery loves company and Christ, the company is multiplying!

I'm a very sincere and nurturing person for the most part, but part of me is SCREAMING for people to "grow the fuck up!" Seriously, am I the only person who actually graduated from the high school games and moved the fuck on? (That's not entirely true, I have several friends online who are smart, confident, kickass friends.)  I can't say that I have that many RL friends like that, because mainly their self-absorbed "me, me, me" attitudes either make me shy away or/and want to smack them where they stand.

When did adults become a society of "look at me, look at me, give me some attention please?"  *insert rolling eyes until I cause brain damage* Really?  You can't get a fucking grip on reality long enough to actually function as an adult? 

I'm certified bi-polar for over 10 years (happily medicated to the gills of course) and I'm wanting to hand out my medication to the masses hoping to shut them the fuck up!  Seriously, grow a fucking pair and grow up!

All of us have troubles and tribulations, we all have worries and things that bring us down....what I don't have is the incessant need to spout those to whomever will give you an ear and hope for reassurance or hope that someone will tell me "it isn't me, it's them" that causes all my pain.

(Have I mentioned I'm in a FOUL mood?)  The reasoning behind my poor disposition isn't important, but it's there and although I've kept the Louisville Slugger at bay for now, I'm itching to grab it.....does that make me certifiable?)

I just don't understand the constant need for attention/reassurance/acceptance that many feel.  Maybe I'm a cold callous bitch, but the need alludes me.  I am who I am, without apology, without it or leave it, frankly I don't give a shit.  I won't change who I am for you to like me, if you don't fine....leave me the fuck alone.  If you do, you better be true or I will call your shit on it every time.

I make no excuses and I don't follow the straight and narrow.  I am who I am and if you don't like it, *shrugs* I won't give you a second thought honestly.  That may seem cold and inhuman, but trust me, most people feel the same but don't have the balls to say it outright.  I do, be that as it may.

The "fakeness" of human society in general is mindblowing.  Don't ask me how I am if you don't want to know the truth.  Don't ask me "Is everything is alright with you?" if you don't want me to tell you that you're seemingly caring nature is just a fake front for "please accept me". 

I'm DONE with all the drama....period.  If you thrive on it, you'll be deleted/blocked/etc.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Fandom Friends

You know, if you are lucky enough to have friends in your life it's quite a fulfillment.  I have been fortunate enough to call a few friends in my lifetime.  Somehow, all of those 'friends' have drifted away over the years for whatever reason....too busy with my/their own lives, moved away or some ridiculous falling out that over the years you can't even recall what it was about. 

In this fandom, over a secular common thread, I've found the meaning of what it really is to have friends. Ironically enough, most of them wouldn't know me if I passed them on the street...unless I opened my mouth.  The people here that I call friends know me beyond the physical look of my person.  They know ME, that real me that I may hide from the people that know the physical me for whatever avoid prejudice, or offense, or just because you don't want the people you see day in and day out to know the innermost workings of your mind.

There's something banal and liberating of connecting with people on a level that transcends the here and now.  The anonymous nature of this fandom allows you to let down any preconceived notion that you would have of someone and get to know them on the basic level.  You get to know what they like, what they hate, what makes them the happiest and what pisses them off instantly.  They know your family, without ever having met happily divulge your deepest darkest secrets without any fear of judgement or repercussions. 

It's freeing to speak your mind to these people and know, that while you occasionally meet opposition, mostly you're met with a welcoming "Hell yeah!" if they are being true to themselves.  Of course, there are always those anywhere seeking acceptance and attention, wherever they can get it.  But for the most part, I've found that these people are real.  They are genuine and I feel so goddamn lucky that I can call many of them friends.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Drama in the fandom

What do you get when you cross a great fandom that brings fans together, fantastical egos and immature behavior? Tick, tick, tick.....the Twilight fandom! *ding, ding, ding*

I've been a fangeek girl from way back and been involved in lots of different fandoms of different genres.  What I can't figure out is why in the fuck people use the excuse of being a Twifandom person to release their inner brats, screaming insecurities and overall bad behavior.   The fandom brought most of us together, that link of solidarity that we found in one another whether we're on the same continent or the same planet.  Continuously, I watch as we tear each other down over and over again via Twitter, Facebook, FFN, wherever.

Heaven forbid, someone who claims they are in this fandom have a difference of opinion.  *Gasp* oh no!  We're all supposed to think exactly the same thing, right? (that was sarcasm right there, in case you missed it in translation!)  We think differently, we like different things....guess what, that makes us human and not some droid-based society.  To see people that attack other people for their opinions and beliefs if it differs from yours, is preposterous and child-like.

So what if I hate Robsten?  So what if I worship everything that comes out of KStew's mouth? (I don't, but still) So what if I like to write stories where Edward takes it up the ass from Jasper? (I haven't, but damn, now I have a blot bunny running wild!) For the sake of adulthood, we're all different.  We like different things, some things others write have us bite our tongue to tell them what fucking idiots they are.....but for the love of everything Holy, keep your damn mouth shut!

Ask yourself the simple question, what is it going to gain if I say this in opposition?  Do you think it's going to be an "ahhh...fuck yes" moment on the person you're responding to? Nope....probably not.  Is it going to be a world movement with you at the epicenter, nope....nice thought though.  No, what it's going to do is piss off the person and cause an annoying shitstorm of posts, comments, etc. that will have other people rolling their eyes so much that the earth could shift off axis!  For God's sake, shut the hell up.  If you agree with them, fine, agree with them until your face turns blue.  If you don't, bite your tongue until you taste blood and fucking relish the taste and keep your sharp pointed tongue in your mouth.

Most of the stories are posted with warnings of subject manner.  If you find that offensive, don't fucking read it.  If you do, shove yourself in the corner and rock back and forth till you feel better and STILL keep your mouth shut.  It's your own damn fault for viewing something you THOUGHT would be offensive.

I'm amazed every single day by the schoolyard posts that basically say "Do you like me, check yes or no?" mentality.  *Holds out big girl panties for all*  put em on....see how much they make you react and think like adults.....isn't that better?

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

My view on "FIFTY"

Everyone's all up in arms in the fandom regarding the "Fifty" trilogy.  Well, here's my opinion (whether you want it or not).  I say *shrugs*.  That simple.

She wrote in in the fandom.  Great, I enjoyed the hell outta it.  She said bad things in private conversation about the fandom, who hasn't at one point or another? *glares from my glass house*

She's getting a shitload of money for publishing it.  Well damn, wish it were me *lovingly strokes my orgasmic picture of the Audi A6 that I probably will never have* 

People are screaming that she "deserted the fandom that gave her the success" or is it maybe she's deserted the jealous "fair weather friends"?  Honestly, I don't care.  Like it or hate it, it's there.  If you hate it, goddamnit, don't buy it or I dunno weep everytime it's mentioned.  Shit, take a pill or whatever makes you feel better.

My truth, loved the story...bought the books on the Nook....reading the books whilst at work and praying I'm not making too much of a mess on my office chair.  I just don't get what all the hubbub is about.

People are screaming "now everybody knows about fanfiction and it's not a secret anymore".  Egads!  I call those potential viewers/writers.  That would be horrible!! (Sarcasm doesn't post well, but I AM rolling my eyes!)

I can't believe how petty and catty people are being about it.  So here's the breakdown....

1.  It's out there and she's making a shitload of money off it.  (Hoping she believe's my letter that I'm her long lost sister twice removed.)

2.  The masses are attracted now because of the publicity of it and know fanfiction exists.  Clue, so does the g-spot but we aren't getting all wonked outta shape and setting up petitions to find ours...much the pity.

3. Love it or hate.....shuddup about it.  It's the archives.  So either move on or moan to someone else about how bad your life sucks. (Yeah, mine does too sometimes, maybe I should write a petition for someone to swoop in and change that....I'll get right on it!)

*grins* I just fucking love rants.  Feel free to comment/flame.....they make me giggle.~!

xoxo (with a ball gag handy)


Still More Pics of Long Louisiana Nights

Misc Pic Inspiration of LLL: 

Home of Katie, Kim and Carrie (and Jake)

Home of Katie's Parents

Katie's Dress when Rob takes her to the French Restaurant:

Katie's Shoes:

More Pictures from Long Louisiana Nights

More Pictures from Long Louisiana Nights:

The Beloved Brit Pack.




And I'll even throw in, Jake, Katie's dog:

Images for Long Louisiana Nights

Here are some images that accompany my story "Long Louisiana Nights" that can be found on FFN under the author name "Irishchicka1"





Argh....I've done it.  I've created a blog.  I've avoided it for so long because, honestly, who the hell would be interested in reading what I'm writing??

But, after posting a few fanfic stories on FFN and making friends with some awesome chicks on FB, I decided that I just needed to take the leap and do it.  If no body reads it, it dime store therapy! *snorts*

So, I'll try to be posting snippets and things everyday.  I'll post teasers for new chapters and new story snippets along with pictures of various things, including pictures that are the inspiration to some of my stories.

So pencil me in to agreeing to be a muppet to technology, I'm blogging damnit! LOL!

