Irish Chicka

Irish Chicka

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

My view on "FIFTY"

Everyone's all up in arms in the fandom regarding the "Fifty" trilogy.  Well, here's my opinion (whether you want it or not).  I say *shrugs*.  That simple.

She wrote in in the fandom.  Great, I enjoyed the hell outta it.  She said bad things in private conversation about the fandom, who hasn't at one point or another? *glares from my glass house*

She's getting a shitload of money for publishing it.  Well damn, wish it were me *lovingly strokes my orgasmic picture of the Audi A6 that I probably will never have* 

People are screaming that she "deserted the fandom that gave her the success" or is it maybe she's deserted the jealous "fair weather friends"?  Honestly, I don't care.  Like it or hate it, it's there.  If you hate it, goddamnit, don't buy it or I dunno weep everytime it's mentioned.  Shit, take a pill or whatever makes you feel better.

My truth, loved the story...bought the books on the Nook....reading the books whilst at work and praying I'm not making too much of a mess on my office chair.  I just don't get what all the hubbub is about.

People are screaming "now everybody knows about fanfiction and it's not a secret anymore".  Egads!  I call those potential viewers/writers.  That would be horrible!! (Sarcasm doesn't post well, but I AM rolling my eyes!)

I can't believe how petty and catty people are being about it.  So here's the breakdown....

1.  It's out there and she's making a shitload of money off it.  (Hoping she believe's my letter that I'm her long lost sister twice removed.)

2.  The masses are attracted now because of the publicity of it and know fanfiction exists.  Clue, so does the g-spot but we aren't getting all wonked outta shape and setting up petitions to find ours...much the pity.

3. Love it or hate.....shuddup about it.  It's the archives.  So either move on or moan to someone else about how bad your life sucks. (Yeah, mine does too sometimes, maybe I should write a petition for someone to swoop in and change that....I'll get right on it!)

*grins* I just fucking love rants.  Feel free to comment/flame.....they make me giggle.~!

xoxo (with a ball gag handy)
