Irish Chicka

Irish Chicka

Sunday, April 22, 2012


I've admitted I'm in a FOUL mood tonight.  I'm filled up to my eyebrows with drama in both RL and online.  I'm so FUCKING sick of people being so insecure in their own skin and whining/crying/lashing out at any and everyone.  Misery loves company and Christ, the company is multiplying!

I'm a very sincere and nurturing person for the most part, but part of me is SCREAMING for people to "grow the fuck up!" Seriously, am I the only person who actually graduated from the high school games and moved the fuck on? (That's not entirely true, I have several friends online who are smart, confident, kickass friends.)  I can't say that I have that many RL friends like that, because mainly their self-absorbed "me, me, me" attitudes either make me shy away or/and want to smack them where they stand.

When did adults become a society of "look at me, look at me, give me some attention please?"  *insert rolling eyes until I cause brain damage* Really?  You can't get a fucking grip on reality long enough to actually function as an adult? 

I'm certified bi-polar for over 10 years (happily medicated to the gills of course) and I'm wanting to hand out my medication to the masses hoping to shut them the fuck up!  Seriously, grow a fucking pair and grow up!

All of us have troubles and tribulations, we all have worries and things that bring us down....what I don't have is the incessant need to spout those to whomever will give you an ear and hope for reassurance or hope that someone will tell me "it isn't me, it's them" that causes all my pain.

(Have I mentioned I'm in a FOUL mood?)  The reasoning behind my poor disposition isn't important, but it's there and although I've kept the Louisville Slugger at bay for now, I'm itching to grab it.....does that make me certifiable?)

I just don't understand the constant need for attention/reassurance/acceptance that many feel.  Maybe I'm a cold callous bitch, but the need alludes me.  I am who I am, without apology, without it or leave it, frankly I don't give a shit.  I won't change who I am for you to like me, if you don't fine....leave me the fuck alone.  If you do, you better be true or I will call your shit on it every time.

I make no excuses and I don't follow the straight and narrow.  I am who I am and if you don't like it, *shrugs* I won't give you a second thought honestly.  That may seem cold and inhuman, but trust me, most people feel the same but don't have the balls to say it outright.  I do, be that as it may.

The "fakeness" of human society in general is mindblowing.  Don't ask me how I am if you don't want to know the truth.  Don't ask me "Is everything is alright with you?" if you don't want me to tell you that you're seemingly caring nature is just a fake front for "please accept me". 

I'm DONE with all the drama....period.  If you thrive on it, you'll be deleted/blocked/etc.

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